Image 3: Captain of infantry in undress with sword. Notice that the epaulet lays on top of the shoulder and compliments the shoulder line. Image 2: Captain of infantry in dress, back view. Sleeves were fitted close to the shape of the arm. The sash depicted is too dark, it would have been similar in color to the lapels.

Image 1: Captain of infantry in dress with sword and espontoon.

Portraits also show the turnbacks to have been edged in red. Additional features from contemporary portraits show that by 1802 the skirts had the turnbacks sewn down in keeping with English military fashion. The coat closed in front with three hooks and eyes the backward sweep of the front precluded the lapels buttoning over or the coat closing to the waist. Since sleeves fitted close to the arm, cuffs often closed with two or more small buttons place vertically on the back slit. A single small button secured the epaulette and another secured the opposite shoulder strap. 4 There were ten buttons on each lapel, four on each cuff, four on the collar, four on each pocket and three on each tail. Buttons for the officers of the 1st Regiment were silver with the regimental number, "1" surrounded by "UNITED STATES". Field grade officers (majors, lieutenant colonels and colonels) wore two epaulettes. The opposite shoulder had a dark blue strap edged in silver lace in place of a second epaulet.

Lieutenants were to wear a silver lace and bullion epaulette on the left shoulder and captains wore a single silver epaulet on the right shoulder. The coat was lined in white woolen shaloon and where the turn-backs for each skirt were secured, there were two red cloth diamonds edged in silver. All button holes were trimmed in silver lace. The primary uniform for officers consisted of a dark blue woolen cutaway coat with red woolen collar (known in the period as a 'cape'), cuffs, and lapels. 3 It was particularly detailed as to officer dress. 2 The uniform of the regiment was detailed in the standing orders of the 1st Infantry dated July of 1802 and signed by Colonel John F. The commander of the expedition was Captain Meriwether Lewis of the 1st Infantry. All three line regiments provided soldiers to the expedition. The Army establishment consisted of a total of 3,287 officers and men. This organization allowed for two regiments of infantry, one regiment of artillery, a small corps of engineers and the general staff. The United States Army at the time of the expedition was organized under the Military Peace Establishment of March 16, 1802. Readers that have additional documents are encouraged to contact the TRADOC History Office. It does not address the items carried by civilians nor does it show the modifications and replacements that occurred as time went on. This article and drawings show the uniforms, weapons, and accouterments worn by the expedition at the time it left St. Previous scholarship has focused on the places visited and the discoveries made by the expedition, however, little has ever been written about the expedition's uniforms, arms, and accouterments. Of the 33 individuals who made the trip to the Pacific, there were two officers in command and 26 enlisted men. The Lewis and Clark expedition was a military operation.